Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mass MoCA

Today I joined the MassArt Art History department on their free trip to Mass MoCA. It was my first time at the museum, and I was really astounded by the space. I think the building itself was more impressive to me than most of the art, although there were a few things I liked.

A piece was being installed made out of long, knitted pieces of rope which was sprayed with red paint or rubber, I couldn't tell. I liked seeing the pieces not yet installed on pallets, waiting outside the installation room. It makes me feel like the art is happening, instead of untouchable in the gallery. I didn't take pictures, sorry!

I also really liked the trees outside the building. Similar to tomato planters, they were suspended upside down from wires, and were growing in all sorts of wonky shapes, trying to reach the sunlight. Really, really neat.

I DID take pictures with my friend Kate in the Sol Lewitt exhibit though! Here are a couple gems:

It was a very nice day.

In other news, I have been consuming a ridiculous amount of clementines lately. But they are small, so it's more justifiable, right?!

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